Top 10 Best Ways to Keep Your Cryptocurrencies Safe
In this article we give you the top 10 best ways to keep your cryptocurrencies safe.
Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is an exciting emerging field bringing...
Secrets of “Darkpools” and unreported trade volume and Bitcoin OTC
In Crypto, not all trade volumes are visible - in fact "Darkpools" account for a huge amount of crypto trading and has an enormous...
MimbleWimble complete Beginner’s Guide
What is MimbleWimble
While earlier blockchains such as Bitcoin did not account for privacy and scalability, new projects are addressing these very issues. One...
Fiat Exchanges on Every Continent: Binance to Take Over the World
One of the most popular crypto- exchange platform in the world is building truly ambitious plans for the immediate future. The head of Binance...
Blockchain Security: Hodlers Should Learn More About It
A Blockchain contains digitalized transaction “block” records where each block connects to a series of all the previous and future blocks. Although experts suggest...
Why is Bitcoin Valuable
Why does this have any value? It's not backed by any goverment, and it's not a physical commodity like gold where you can touch...
Bitcoin Fees
What are Bitcoin Fees
Bitcoin Transactions are not free, every single bitcoin transfer must include a fee. Here are some facts about Bitcoin Fees:
Segwit in Easy to Understand Terms
Now that Segwit has been locked in for Litecoin. it's about time to take a closer look at what Segwit is and how it...