What REAL cryptocurrency mining looks like

Cryptocurrency Mining can be tough to get started with – but there are always mining expert’s who are willing to lend a hand and share their wealth of experience. One such person is Alex Hillman, he runs cryptocurrency mining farm with over 300 GPUs. We asked detailed questions about how he got started, his mining setup and what advice he would give to beginners getting started with mining.

Miner Bio: Alex Hillman

Alex Hillman (@SpillyGuy) comes from a computer and programming background. He currently mines at 3 different locations, including dedicated warehouses and research labs. He mines with more than 300 GPUs, often times on multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time.

Can you tell us about your mining operation (Where/ How many people are involved / Power usage)

Cryptocurrency mine (GPU Farm)

When the technology started taking off I knew it was something I wanted to be involved in with my computer and programming back ground. We currently run well over 300 gpus at 3 locations including dedicated warehouses and research labs.

What type of setup – solo or pool mining do you use

We tri or quad mine all of our gpu miners. Often we mine coins like Ethereum or Raven while dual mining something like LBRY or DECRED on the GPU extra memory. We accomplish this most cases with Claymore Miner. On the CPU we use a xmr-stak style miner to mine coins like Loki, Monero or Sumocoin.
Last you can mine on pools that create extra tokens and with the fpga cards we do this as well.

We mine on large pools like ethermine with a private workgroup of about 50 clients and friends to increase profits and luck factor.

Do you use ASICs ?

No we strongly disagree with the logistical cycle and ethics of building single use products like this that have such a short life span.

Mining is Loud and Hot – have you ever been driven crazy by the noise or Danced around naked when setting up gear?

I often jam while building but we try to do all of our thoughtful work away from the computers. But yes I have danced naked in the mines many times.

What do you think is the biggest challenge when it comes to mining

Having enough power to grow

Do you ever dabble in speculative mining – if so what new coins are you into

Yes spec mining can be wildy profitable. At the start we mined sumocoin about several hundred a week at 0.07 cents. We sold those coins at 14.00usd so it paid for our first dedicated miners.

What happens when hardware breaks ? who repairs them?

Spencer my business partner is the expert on trouble shooting most often its a software driver issue or a hardware issue like usb or risers going bad.

What is the most controversial thing to happen to you?

We helped attack the EOS and ADA blockchain with our GPU network in a effort to prove their lacking security.

What advice would you give to a someone who wants to start out mining

Start simple with a single computer at home. Use a gaming or work computer toss a good video card like a Nvidia 1070Ti or Nvidia 1080ti in it and start speculative mining first.

Nvidia or AMD – which team are you on?

Nvidia produces coins at a more efficent power rate and with far less loss and heat. Its really not a question amd is cheap and quick while Nvidia is the better option over time

Cloud Mining – in your opinion are they legit or scam

All a scam…. why would I rent you my money tree for any money less than it makes me. The business model is flawed from the start. Remote hosting is a thing but in most cases if someone is trying to rent you cloud mining they are hedging out their own risk by making you take it all.


  1. a mining operation with multiple locations totally jealous of these guys .if you need any help with mining these two guys are top of the this subject in all the deep corners going well beyond what others do in this cut throat world we live in.

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