2.0: Leading insights in the Blockchain space

Welcome to the new Boxmining website – with the focus of bringing the leading insights in the Blockchain space. I feel this is vital because we need to separate the hype from the reality. It’s true that Blockchain will usher a new era where we can provide a decentralized trust, applications and transfer of value. Meanwhile, this space is also filled with half-baked dreams that will never come to fruition

I feel that simply covering the news is no longer enough. Currently, crypto news is driven by hype and speculation. It seems like every idea can become game-changing and revolutionary. What I want to provide is away to tie the news and trends into the bigger picture, and look upon the space as a whole to see what is work, and more importantly, what isn’t working

Crypto trends – making sense of all the news

Going forward, focus less on the news and more specific topics – “Crypto Trends“. The idea behind this is to make sense of the news and combine it with my experience in both the blockchain and startup space. I’ll cut through the jargon and get into why a project is using blockchain and if the plan makes sense.

Cryptocurrency explainers and reviews

Education has always been the core of my work and will continue to do so. I will continue to expand on my Coin Guide as a tool for people to do research before trading.

As a victim of the Mt. Gox hack, I do not want anyone to follow down my path. So I’ve added reviews on cryptocurrency exchanges and reviews on cryptocurrency hardware wallets so you can keep your cryptos safe.

Weekly News

Something I always wanted to build is a weekly summary of the events in the cryptospace. The weekly newsletter is an amalgamation of the major topics and trends of the week. 

Brand new look

The previous version of was trying to do too much – both news, education and videos. I took the time to personally remake the website to something that I can manage and take care of. I hope you guys like it and would love to hear some feedback!

Previous articleHarmony Protocol (ONE): Everything you NEED to know
Next articleKingsCrown: Crypto Legend Speaks out
Michael Gu
Michael Gu, Creator of Boxmining, stared in the Blockchain space as a Bitcoin miner in 2012. Something he immediately noticed was that accurate information is hard to come by in this space. He started Boxmining in 2017 mainly as a passion project, to educate people on digital assets and share his experiences. Being based in Asia, Michael also found a huge discrepancy between digital asset trends and knowledge gap in the West and China.